
Manual Chiropractic Adjustment

A manual chiropractic adjustment is a very safe, specific, controlled force applied to a joint to reduce misalignments in the spine and/or extremity with the goal of increasing range of motion, reducing nerve irritability and improving function.

Mechanical Instrument Chiropractic Adjustment

Think of your body as a high performance car. Just like your car needs a tune up to continue to drive at peak performance, your body needs a “tune up” in the form of a chiropractic adjustment to maintain optimal health and function.


The ArthroStim Instrument is a handheld machine that aids your chiropractor in performing adjustments. This powerful tool delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second, allowing your doctor to maintain the effectiveness of a manual adjustment while greatly reducing the amount of force that is applied, which makes it easier to use on a wide variety of conditions and ailments. Individuals that may especially benefit from the use of the ArthroStim Instrument include:

  • Individuals with acute or extreme pain

  • Particularly sensitive individuals

  • Individuals who dislike being “cracked”

  • Individuals who suffer from neck pain

  • Individuals who require adjustments to the extremeties

  • Elderly individuals

Even people who are larger and stronger and therefore more difficult to adjust from a standard single thrust will benefit from the ‘neurological assist’ that the ArthroStim Instrument provides.

What are the benefits of an adjustment?

Adjustments reduce pain, increase movement and improve performance after traumas such as car accidents, slip and falls and sports injuries as well as release stored up tension in the body due to everyday stress or overexertion.




What is Deep Tissue Laser Therapy?

Deep Tissue Laser therapy is an extremely powerful natural health solution backed by research. This specific type of laser therapy applies a beam of light to the area of pain or injury and accelerates your body’s own natural healing process through photo-bio-modulation. What this means is that light waves emitted by the laser stimulate the chemically damaged cells to produce beneficial enzymes, increase mitochondrial activity, increase lymphatic drainage via macrophage stimulation, and increased vasodilation. In simpler terms, the laser decreases inflammation and pain, while speeding up recovery and reducing scar tissue production.

What conditions does Deep Tissue Laser Therapy treat?

Deep tissue Laser Therapy are light waves emitted by the laser that stimulate the chemically damaged cells to produce beneficial enzymes, increase mitochondrial activity, increase lymphatic drainage via macrophage stimulation, and increased vasodilation. In simpler terms, the laser decreases inflammation and pain, while speeding up recovery and reducing scar tissue production.

If I undergo Deep Tissue Laser treatment, how long does it take to see results?

Most patients report a reduction in pain and inflammation as well as an increase in range of motion after the first few sessions. Acute injuries/pain require approx. 6 sessions and more chronic injuries/pain may require approx. 10 sessions to see optimal results.

What conditions does Class IV Laser treat?

Laser therapy Helps reduce pain and inflammation in knees, ankles, feet, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers. It’s also great for muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendinitis, neck pain, back pain, headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Myofascical Trigger Points, Tennis Elbow and golfers elbow, Repetitive Stress Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Degenerative Joint Conditions, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Most Sports Injuries, Shin Splints, and more!

How safe is laser therapy?

Laser therapy is non invasive and FDA cleared. It is also safe, painless and fast! Treatments are approx. 5-10 minutes long.

How do I get started?

Contact our office schedule an initial consultation to determine if you are a candidate for treatment with Deep Tissue Laser Therapy.




The VibraCussor® instrument delivers waves of percussive impulses deep into the tissues of the body. The VibraCussor® is very effective for releasing muscles. The VibraCussor® compression waves promote an increase in circulation and lymphatic flow and a decrease in muscle spasm. The VibraCussor® can be used to 'warm-up' muscles and set proper tonus prior to athletic events. The VibraCussor® instrument can also be used following an event, or exercising, to 'flush' muscles and minimize soreness.

The repetitive pumping action of the VibraCussor® is ideal for releasing joints. The power of multiple percussive waves accumulates to loosen up 'stuck' areas without using heavy thrusting forces. Additionally, these waves heighten neurological awareness of specific areas of  the body and facilitate energetic normalization.




The DRX9000™ is the latest cutting-edge technology in the non-surgical treatment of serious acute/chronic neck and lower back pain resulting from herniated discs, bulging discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and associated neurocompression pain disorders.

In the past, a patient suffering from disc problems usually was given pain medications, instructed to refrain from physical activities, referred for physical therapy, and when they weren’t progressing they were sent for spinal surgery. Conservative chiropractic care proved very helpful in many cases, yet there have been some cases when surgery seemed to be the only other option… until now! The DRX 9000 not only significantly reduces back pain in over 85% of patients, but also enables the majority of patients to return to more active lifestyles.

Does the DRX9000 really work?

The DRX 9000 has been proven effective in relieving the pain associated with bulging and herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and even relapse or failed back surgery. Since its release in 2001, clinical studies have revealed an amazing 86% success rate in treating lumbar disc related problems with the DRX 9000.

How does it work?

The DRX 9000 uses state of the art technology to apply a distraction force on the spine to relieve nerve compression often associated with neck pain, low back pain and sciatica.

How long does the treatment take?

Each DRX 9000 session takes an average of 30 minutes. The entire program consists of 20 treatments over the course of 6 weeks, as determined by your doctor.

If I undergo DRX9000™ treatment, how long does it take to see results?

Most patients report a reduction in pain after the first few sessions. Typically, significant improvement is obtained by the second week of treatment.

Who are the best candidates for treatment?

Patients that will benefit most from the DRX9000 True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System™ may be those diagnosed with herniated discs, bulging discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease or facet syndrome. Review of a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) and/or an X-ray of your spine will be necessary to assess/confirm the cause of your neck or back pain. The type of treatment prescribed for your neck or back pain will usually be dictated by the diagnosis of the underlying cause of pain. If the cause is Disc Bulge, Disc Herniation, Disc Protrusion, Disc Extrusion, Disc Degeneration, Facet Syndrome or Facet Imbrication, then the vast majority of people, can be treated non-surgically using our DRX9000 protocols with fantastic results.

What can I expect during the course of treatment?

Some patients may experience light side effects with this type of therapy. Mild muscular soreness during treatment may occur. The sensation would be similar to what a person might experience at the onset of a new exercise regimen. Most patients find this therapy quite comfortable and relaxing. During an average 30-minute session, most patients experience a gentle stretch in the cervical or lumbar spine and tend to fall asleep.

How do I get started?

Contact our office to schedule an initial consultation to determine if you are a candidate for treatment with the DRX 9000.


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This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Bryan Abasolo and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Dr. Abasolo takes no responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.